A Whole New World

In the early and late 1400’s, European Travelers wanted to discover a new rout to India.  It took to go down the eastern coast of Africa go around, then go around The Cape of Good Hope, and finally back up the western coast.  All that took very long. But thank gosh for good ole Christoher Columbus who said, “Yeah! i’ll go directly East and get to India faster”!  And the rest is history.  Trying new things can change the whole outcome of history or if you’re looking at it from oneselfs perspective, it could potentially change your life.  Why wouldn’t you want to try something new? Are you scared to come out of your  nutshell? Or are you just being stubborn?  Life is too short for you to be sticking with the norm.  Even if you try it and think what you just did is repulsive, at least you can say you won’t do that again and won’t have any regrets about not doing it.  For me, i’m really scared about going skydiving.  However, I am doing it, with my mother, (who is still very very young and beautiful…), in April.  And when I reach the ground, by means of free falling or safely landing, I will say one of to things: Wow… I can’t believe i just did that or WOW! I CAN’T BELIEVE I JUST DID THAT!!!  Remember, being yourself is the right thing to do.  You can always add to who are you by liking something new.  You can try a new food, sport, activity, pickup-line or something else but by the decisoin you make or the decision you don’t make, do not regret it.

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